'Sustainable Food Critic' is a website designed using UX and UI principles. The goal of the university brief was to create a website to target a specific issue. My approach consolidates information about commercial food products, sustainable resources, local initiatives, and organic produce in one accessible platform. This will inform users about the products they buy, support sustainable shopping practices and aid in reducing the use of single-use plastics.
Disciplines - Web Design and Branding.

SFC Website - Click image to view website

Large food manufacturers often employ misleading marketing strategies, with packaging designed primarily for single-use, contributing significantly to pollution in our waterways. 'Sustainable Food Critic' (SFC) addresses this issue by providing easy access to reliable and helpful resources through any web browser. The platform aims to assist individuals in making sustainable shopping choices and adopting strategies that enhance their health while reducing their negative impact on ocean pollution. Targeting busy individuals and parents, SFC offers a quick and easy way to access information on sustainable foods and resources.
The website provides detailed information on each food product, including its use of single-use plastics, the presence of additives, its organic status, its use of recyclable materials, and its health-star rating. SFC also spotlights and recommends smaller grocers and suppliers that align with its ethos, based on the user's postcode. 
Additionally, the website keeps users informed about local initiatives and community events aimed at waste reduction. To empower users further, SFC offers guidelines and tools to help navigate nutrition labels, understand recycling practices and explore home gardening options.
This project is rooted in my own experience having completed a nutrition course and aims to address the knowledge gaps that I have identified. 
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